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Marriage Counseling in Fort Worth, Texas

illustration with text of marriage counseling in Fort Worth, Texas

Marriage Counseling Fort Worth

Cowtown's marriage counseling in Fort Worth, Texas involves a third-party, unbiased, couples therapist, meeting with a couple for 50 minutes. We provide a comfortable office environment to work on your relational, mental health, and spiritual goals. Normally couples talk about important issues affecting their relationship. We encourage and give you the opportunity to do this. Think of us as your biggest cheerleaders, mentors, and coaches. Each of our Christian therapists specializes in marriage counseling.

How Our Couples Therapists in Fort Worth, Texas Help Marriage Relationships

Cowtown's couples therapists in Fort Worth can help restore your relationship whether you have been together for 5 months or 50 years. Our marriage counselors provide a therapeutic environment rich with practical skills and biblical encouragement for the purpose of developing and growing intimacy within your marriage. Some couples desire “tune-ups”, while others a completely rebuilt relationship. Our therapists help with both. View our why us page to see how we are different from other counseling centers. 

 The Process of Couples Therapy Sessions 

The process starts by filling out an intake form, where each spouse shares some of the things he or she is struggling with as well as some of the goals for the relationship. After this, you and your spouse will arrive for your first appointment. Your counselor will ask some questions to get to know each of you, as well as allow for questions to be asked. Counseling goals will be communicated in order to develop a plan. Number of sessions will vary depending on the couple. Throughout the process, each couple will uncover relational patterns, learn healthy ones, and build a Christian foundation for marriage. Scroll down to view the common issues we see in our office. Are you still not sure about the process? Check out our what to expect page. 

When It's Time to Seek Counseling

Graphic showing text of cowtown marriage counseling

Maybe you’re wondering when it’s time to seek marriage counseling. You feel distant from your spouse, don’t communicate well, or maybe your spouse had a blowup and you’ve never seen this before. These are understandable reasons for coming to couples therapy. On the other hand, we have seen couples within marriages that desire tune-ups, working through parenting differences, and so on. Be encouraged. You can benefit from counseling if you are going through relational stress or working through a difference, no matter how you rate your marriage.

Cowtown Christian Counseling serves Fort Worth with Marriage Counseling from a Christian perspective.

Christian Marriage Counselors for multiple life stages

  • Young Couples

  • 30-40s

  • 50+

Our team of relationship counselors and couples therapists includes Brian Dunn, Emily Cinque, Sherena Holmes, and Joel Peterson.


We strive to be proficient in multiple marriage counseling issues. This list is not exhaustive. Please contact us with any questions you may have. 

Marriage Counseling Issues

  • Addiction

  • Anxiety 

  • Communication

  • Conflict

  • Infertility

  • Infidelity Recovery 

  • Intimacy issues

  • In-laws

  • Parenting differences

  • Pre-marital preparation

  • Resentment

  • Spiritual Growth

Logo for the Helper Lover Relationship Series in Fort Worth, Texas

Helper Lover Relationship Series

Our therapy center has created a 10-session counseling service called the Helper-Lover Relationship Series. Each Cowtown therapist will guide and counsel the clients through multiple take-home-ready handouts, while laying the foundation of being a helper and lover to your spouse. These handouts include multiple tips for communication and behavior. Our couples therapists can include a bonus session on sex in marriage as well. 

In this series, you will learn the difference between a helper and a roommate, a helper and a servant, and more. You will also learn and practice love that is patient, kind, bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things.

Helper Lover Relationship Counseling Series Youtube Cover Photo

Overall, this series has been transformative for pre-marital and married couples alike. We have heard many positive reviews and testimonials. Cowtown looks forward to providing quality therapy services to many more married or soon-to-be married couples in the Fort Worth, Texas community.

Cowtown's Communication Skills and Conflict Resolution Therapy

Cowtown has created multiple communication skills and conflict resolution handouts for our therapy sessions. These skills and resolution tips form The Cowtown Communication Series. This series is more intensely focused on communication, in comparison to our Helper-Lover Series. It includes both practically rich and Biblically sound tips and techniques. 


You will learn different types of communication skills, when to share more with your spouse, as well as when to share less. If you are engaged or seriously dating, and concerned if yall should marry, because conflict has been difficult, then don’t hesitate to reach out. The Cowtown Communication Series is perfect for y'all too. Be encouraged. Your relationship can change.

Helpful Blog Posts for Couples

artwork of hat and horseshoes with text of Blog for Couples

We love writing blog posts for couples and marriages. Listed below are three of our favorite short reads on relationships:

  • Have you ever wondered what it means to be "One Flesh"? Is it just sex, or does it mean more? One flesh is mentioned in the Bible but we don't really know what it means in our daily life. Check out our short read on Marriage Counseling and One Flesh

  • It would be great to always love and be loved by your spouse. Jesus teaches us about love, primarily learning it from God. Please read our post on Relational Perfection. We hope you are encouraged.

  • Our couples therapists often hear the word "Communication" from our clients. This makes sense because speaking and learning to listen is very important to grow healthy relationships. Read this short and encouraging blog on 3 communication tips to help during conflict.

Three Quick Tips for Healthy Marriages

Picture of marriage counselors in Fort Worth sharing three tips for communication

1. Support is key. Having someone to talk too and pray with outside of your spouse is important. A close Christian friend is ideal.

2. Have fun. Did you know that fun resets relationships? Spouses scheduling fun events for their relationship is essential.

3. Focus on what you can change. What behaviors come to mind that might influence, not necessarily cause, your husband or wife to respond in a certain way? These are great things to work on.

Graphic with text of helpful questions

Helpful Answers to Your Questions

How many sessions will we need?

You and your spouse may need as few as 5 or 6 sessions, but most couples will need at least 8 to 10. New relational patterns often take time and practice.

How do I talk to my spouse about coming to therapy?

It is important to talk to your spouse about the benefits of therapy, more than what may need to change in your relationship. We recognize that motivation is a factor in change. She or he may not be motivated. Our counselors have worked with marriages where one desires to change more than the other. This is more common than not. Please give us a call if you have any questions. We are happy to help.

Does therapy actually help relationships?

Our Couples therapy has helped and enriched many relationships in Fort Worth and the surrounding North Texas area. Most of our clients report an increase in emotional connection and communication. You are welcome to view our google business profile to see our satisfied clients.

Do you offer pre-marital and engagement counseling?

We offer pre-marital and engagement counseling. Each couple will be provided practical tools as well as professional care.

marriage counseling for fort worth
Married couple walking after a counseling session

Weekend   Intensives

We are proud to offer our Fort Worth clients weekend marriage intensives. Not all couples can schedule counseling every week for an extended period of time. The purpose of the intensive is to condense counseling sessions while supporting relational learning and growth for a married couple. Please give us a call for more information.

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illustration of arrow pointing
illustration of arrow pointing

8 hours of counseling

Couple activities


Cowtown Marriage Counseling Recommendation

"Cowtown's Marriage Counseling in Forth Worth, Texas is our recommended practice if you are in the Ft Worth area. They have great expertise, experience, and love helping locals with couples related issues. We have had a great experience working with Cowtown and proud to give them a strong recommendation!"


-Samaritan's Well Couples Counseling in Dallas, Texas

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